Kokedama DIY Tutorial



Twine or Fishing line – Pick a heavy duty twine, we recommend hemp or jute. Or fishing line to bind your kokedama. You’ll use this to attach the sheet moss to the base of your kokedama.

Plant – The best plants for kokedama are hardy plants preferably with smaller root balls. Although, most plants should happily thrive provided there is enough sunlight and they’re properly cared for. Take a look at our list of recommended plants before getting started.

Water – You’ll need water on hand to get the right soil consistency.

Scissors – You’ll need to cut twine/fishing line, so have scissors or a sharp knife nearby.

Sheet moss – Flat, thin sheets of moss will be wrapped around the base of your plant.

Sphagnum moss – Just like the bonsai soil, surrounding the plant’s roots in sphagnum moss will assure they stay moist. You’ll want to soak the moss in water prior to starting the project and be sure you use enough to surround the roots of the plant.

Potting Soil with Akadama– Improves your soil mixture with added nutrients and water managing capabilities. Due to its ability to retain water, Bonsai soil of Akadama will give your kokedama the moisture it needs to thrive.

Project Time: 30 minutes

Step 1: Remove the plant from its current home and prune the roots.

Be gentle as you remove excess soil and untangle healthy roots just as you would when repotting a plant. Once you’ve successfully freed the roots from most of the soil, give them a quick soak in room temperature water. At this point, you’ll also want to soak the sphagnum moss in water too.

Step 2: Wrap the roots with sphagnum moss.

Remove the sphagnum moss from the water, and be sure you have enough to surround the plant’s roots. Ring out the moss to remove any excess water and wrap it around the roots.

Step 3: Mix Bonsai and potting soil together.

We recommend a mixture including 2 cups of potting soil mix and Akadama, with up to 1 cup of water. Although, you will know you’ve achieved the right consistency when the soil is clay-like and easily sticks together.

Pro Tip: Gradually add water to the mixture if necessary.

Step 4: Use the soil mixture to mold a ball around the roots.

Use the soil mixture to create a ball big enough to surround the moss-covered roots. If you’re having trouble getting the soil to bind together just add more soil and water. Work with smaller amounts to cover the moss ball.

Step 5: Cover the ball with sheet moss.

Wrap the sheet moss around the soil base and fasten with twine/fishing line. Leave a section of twine/fishing line to tie off at the end. You’ll want to be sure the twine or fishing line is wrapped tightly and it is secure. Make sure to not bind too closely to the stems, gentle not to crush them.

Pro Tip: Make sure you have just enough sheet moss to cover the soil base. Do not bunch it too much around the stems of the plant. Set a few smaller pieces of moss aside to use as patches as needed while you are binding.

Step 6: Attach more twine and create a loop the plant will hang from.

Continue to wrap the twine/fishing line around the moss and tie a knot when you think it feels secured enough to stay put and hang properly. If you plan on hanging your kokedama, don’t forget to attach a loop to the existing twine or fishing line, be sure to measure out the appropriate length for the twine since this is what your kokedama will be hanging from.

Pro Tip: Start with your twine/fishing line slayed underneath your section of sheet moss. This makes it easier to pick and starting binding.

Step 7: Pick a spot and hang it up or display in a low ceramic bowl.

With proper maintenance and care your kokedama should prosper just about anywhere. Most indoor plants tend to enjoy the humidity and in-direct sunlight. Display your kokedama where the conditions are best suited for the plant’s needs.

Now that you’ve created your own kokedama, make sure you continue to care for it properly. Although maintenance will depend on the specific plant you’ve selected, we’ve listed a few general care guidelines below.


• Your kokedama will need to be watered regularly, up to one to three times a week. The weight of the ball is a good indicator of watering needs. When the base becomes lighter, that’s a sign that your plant is thirsty.

• To water your kokedama, submerge the ball plant side up in a bowl of water for about 10-15 minutes. You can also run your kokedama under the sink. Be sure you let it drip dry before hanging it back up.

• In addition to soaking, you can also mist your kokedama daily.

• Check the twine every once in awhile to make sure it’s still secure and replace when needed.

• Clip off any dead leaves or foliage.

• If you start seeing roots, it’s time to repot your your kokedama with another layer of soil and moss.

• Make sure that your kokedama is getting proper sunlight according to the plant’s needs.


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